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Tencent Traveler
Категория: Интернет и сети | Добавил: killik | Жалоба 29.03.2011, 19:04
Tencent Traveler

Ashampoo Anti-Malware - утилита, способная находить и удалять разнообразное вредоносное ПО. Программа использует эвристический метод сканирования, позволяющий в реальном времени контролировать безопасность всей системы. Также имеется возможность полного сканирования всех дисков.

"Все-в-одном": Anti-Spyware и Anti-Virus для максимальной защиты!
Официальный преемник Ashampoo AntiSpyWare и Ashampoo AntiVirus был разработан с нуля, и сочетает в себе лучшее из обеих технологий и "все в одном" решении. Комплексное решение безопасности для защиты вашего компьютера и ваших данных от внешних угроз: блокирует вирусы, троянские программы, черви, вредоносное ПО, rootkits, ботов, эффективно шпионского и рекламного ПО, не положив столько нагрузки на производительность компьютера. Благодаря своим инновационным дизайном и интуитивно понятным графическим интерфейсом с Ashampoo Anti-Malware очень легко работать.

An unprotected computer is virtually an open invitation for cyber criminals, whose numbersrun in the thousands on the Internet today, and can easily cause considerable damage for average users. This is why we developed Ashampoo Anti-Malware for you.
Consider yourself on the safe side with state-of-the-art technology in the field of computer security. Ashampoo Anti-Malware comes with two scanners (anti-spyware and anti-virus) of renown software producers and therefore ensures your pc’s protection from online and offline threats alike. By integrating both engines in one program, the scan time is reduced significantly in comparison to two separately operating programs. Furthermore, Ashampoo Anti-Malware offers a signature check, during which a program is being checked for known malware patterns prior to each program launch (protection from over 3.000.000 current threats from the web and daily updates of the latest signatures), next to a heuristic analysis, enabling for unknown malware to be detected and blocked by means of behavior.

Ashampoo Anti-Malware обеспечивает надежную защиту против следующих угроз:
Keylogger, Trojans, Rootkits
Worms, Viruses, Bots
Spyware, Adware, Hijacker, Tracking Cookies

Основные особенности:
Two integrated engines of renowned software producers offer advanced protection from: viruses, trojans, worms, malware, rootkits, bots, spyware and adware
During file execution and file copying, the onAccess guard offers maximum protection against all kind of threats before they can affect the entire system
Heuristic analysis designed to detect unknown threats
Protection against more than 3.000.000 potential threats from the web
Rootkit Detector 2: Improved protection against invisible threats
Compatible with Microsoft Windows 7 (32bit/64bit)
Real-time protection enables for considerably safer execution on driver level and takes care of the following Windows areas:
BHO (Browser Helper Objects): Detects and blocks unwanted BHO installations (+disables them permanently if desired)
Winsock-LSP (Layered Service Provider): Detects and blocks unwanted LSP installations (+disables them permanently if desired)
Windows HOSTS file (anti pharming): Gives warning of Windows HOSTS file entries
Autostart entries: Detects and blocks unwanted autostart entries (+disables them permanently if desired)
ActiveX installations: Detects and blocks unapproved ActiveX installations
"Live” logging: Displays all monitored objects of the real-time protection in a clearly arranged manner
Improved Windows 7 compatible tools based on eleven years of experience in the field of utilities and our price winning Ashampoo WinOptimizer series:
File Wiper: Completely eliminates all traces of sensitive files from your hard drive
Internet Cleaner: Clear browser cache, cookies and internet history
Hostsfile Checker: Reports suspicious entries (redirected DNS entries) in hosts file and blocks them on demand
ADS Scanner: Search for invisible streams on NTFS volumes and erase them
Start-up Tuner: Shut down inconvenient autostart entries at once
Process Manager: Lists all active processes giving corresponding information and enables termination of suspicious processes
Rootkit Detector 2: Searches the OS for hidden rootkits and removes them in an instance
LSP Viewer: Administrate all installed Winsock layer that can influence network activity

Еще больше особенностей Ashampoo Anti-Malware:
Multi user support: No administrator rights necessary to run the program, personal settings can be adjusted and stored for every single user
Whitelist: With the help of whitelist definitions, folders or files can be excluded from the search in order to prevent false alarms or speed up the scan process, if reassured that those folders/files are not infected (e.g. video folders)
Self protection: Encryption algorithms secure the program’s safety mechanisms and the whitelist from external threats
Scan administration: Integrated scheduler for automated scan process management
User-defined scans: Create automated scan jobs
Brand-new GUI: Innovative interface for even more intuitive and easy operation (recommended for first-time users)
Customized file filter: Scan only specific formats or all files in order to achieve maximal security
1 year signature updates included
Supported operating systems: Windows® XP (Service Pack 2), Windows Vista™ 32bit/64bit (Service Pack 1) and Windows® 7 32bit/64bit
Free e-mail support

Год выпуска: 2009
ОС: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Язык интерфейса: Русский
Лекарство: Не требуется (Freeware)
Размер: 107.45 Mb

Ув. Гость, не знаешь, как бесплатно скачать Tencent Traveler, тогда информация предоставленая ниже для тебя.

FAQ о том, как бесплатно скачиватьс самых известных файлообменников:
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Теги: Traveler, Интернет и Сети, Tencent
Просмотров: 6544 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0


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